Universe X ; Paradise X ; Earth X三部曲各14集.Marvel宇宙中各英雄未來的命運(金剛狼、獨眼龍、蜘蛛人...都是老頭子了). What happens if mutation becomes widespread amongst the populace? How will the superheroes deal with the chaos that ensues? 未來金剛狼、獨眼龍、蜘蛛人各英雄...都老了,地球上不但超級英雄更多,平行世界中的各地球的正邪超級英雄也都過來我們的地球大戰.
Earth X大賣後依序延伸出Universe X, Paradise X. 三部曲故事背景一致.
大師Alex Ross精彩封面及故事, 各部曲乃拼圖封面, 亦即14集封面可拚成一幅大畫!!!
Earth X #1/2 大師Alex Ross繪 , 24頁全彩限量版, 附限量証明; 特價回饋網友NT$118
Earth X #0; NT$98
Earth X #1-9每本NT$218已售完
Earth X 中Spider-Girl 變成 Venom: May Parker是spiderman女兒Spider-Girl , 卻被Venom 附身, 但她完全控制Venom , 比她老爸厲害.
此圖僅是插畫,非在Earth X 書中出現. Earth X 書中變成 Venom的Spider-Girl 在很多本都有出現, 出現最多次的是Earth X #3, Earth X #8.
In the Earth X limited series, beginning with issue one, May "Mayday" Parker merges with the Venom symbiote after the death of her mother Mary Jane Watson; however, May can completely control and communicate with the symbiote.
Paradise X XEN NT$98
Paradise X #1-9不分售共 NT$1778(已打折), #10-11已售完, #12特價NT$98.
Universe X #1-9不分售共 NT$1778(已打折), #10-12已售完, #13增厚特集特價NT$118.